Services Offered

Some of the services offered by Rolfe Planning Partnership are listed here with a brief description. If you wish to know more about what is being offered, or need informal advice on any of these subjects, please contact us and we will be delighted to provide a free, no obligation consultation response to you.

Planning Applications, including...

- Pre-Application Advice - informal discussion and site visit to discuss your proposal. We will give you honest advice about what the chances are of your scheme being successful. Following research, a written report will be provided to clients with recommendations on whether to, and also how best to, formally submit an application.

- Submission of applications for planning permission, supported by a detailed Supporting Planning Statement. Other material required to validate and get the application registered by the local planning authority, such as plans, drawings and any specialist reports will be project managed on your behalf. (you may already have your own architect to do the plans and drawings which would be fine)

- If your application is successful, we can provide a full Conditions Discharge service. (Most planning applications have conditions attached, which have to be approved under a separate process and often need dealing with before any development is commenced).

- If the application has conditions attached you don't like, we can advice on whether to apply to have them modified or removed and lodge the necessary application on your behalf.

- Design & Access Statements can be provided when required.

- Preparation and submission of Listed Building and Conservation Area consent applications.

- Lawful Development Certificates for both existing and proposed developments.

- If needed in any particular case, project management of architects and other relevant professionals will be an integral element of this service area.

Planning Appeals

- We can provide a no obligation, desk-top review of any planning refusal that you may receive and give advice on whether to appeal a planning decision is worthwhile or not.

- All methods of appeals handled from written representations cases to Hearings and Inquiries.

- All types of appeals handled from refusals of planning permission to enforcement notices.

Planning Appraisals scoping of the development potential of land or buildings

- Providing a written report covering an appraisal of the site and development options ,with a professional opinion on the likelihood of gaining planning approval

General planning advice and services areas

- 3rd Party representations - including professionally prepared letters of objection. Whatever your concerns, we can let you know whether we think you have a reasonable planning case for objecting to a development. This will depend on whether your concerns could be termed "material planning considerations". For instance, the loss of a view, or the reduction in value of property, is not considered to be a relevant planning consideration. Our knowledge of national and local planning policies will be used to frame your arguments in such a way as to ensure they are relevant.

- Enforcement - advice on the best approach to successful defend against where a local planning authority claim you are in breach of planning control .If you have had an enforcement notice served against you it should be taken seriously and urgent advice sought.

- Facilitating property transactions by regularising any breaches of planning control that may become evident during the process.

- General Land & Property Development Advice, and farm diversification schemes.

- Rural planning & development issues

- Planning Law & Procedures

- Assistance with neighbourhood plans

- Lifting of agricultural ties on dwellings